My name is Kaloyan Kanev , I am 34 years young borne in Bulgaria and I live in London since 2013. In 2014 shortly after started living with Ellie (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapist and PSYCH-K practitioner), my beloved fiancée, I started to uncover my passion for helping others regain their health. She was the spark that ignited my insatiable desire for growth, and I wish everyone finds a partner like mine. Back then Ellie shared that she has successfully reversed insulin dependent type 2 diabetes solely through diet and about a peculiar kind of people called raw vegans. It took us about year and a half to fully transition from normal omnivorish diet to a fully raw vegan lifestyle and during this period I learned a lot about food, nutrition, meditation and the human body. Two years later around mid 2017 my attention was pointed to a man named Dr.Robert Morse and I started to adopt fruitarian diet which I am following until present day. Today I am not as strict as In the beginning and I eat a cooked food from time to time but I still call myself fruitarian because of the mindset. If you are able to look with unbiased mind you will discover that we, the human beings are frugivores. I know this to be true, because I have applied this lifestyle upon myself and others and despite the trials and tribulations along the way it is worth it. The things that I have done and I am proud of myself are many and I would like to point out some of them. In 2017 me and Ellie embarked on a soul journey, went in the jungles of Peru and with 16 others we have participated in 4 ayahuaska ceremonies in Capitari retreat with the shaman Don Lucho. In 2018 instead of going on a holiday I did my first 20 days water fast with a month long preparation of grapes only diet. In 2019 and 2020 I did a 9 days dry fast inspired by a friend of mine and the work of Dr.Filinov. In 2020 I did a 3 months of 10 degrees Celsius cold baths for 20 minutes every other day. Throughout my journey I have tried to maintain open and unbiased mind and as a result I have acquired a piece of mind from many people such as : Drunvalo Melchizedeck, Vadim Zeland, Dan Mcdonald, John Collar, Dr. Rick and Carin DIna, Dr Collin Campbel, Dr Robert Morse, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Graham Hancock, Jared Tendler, Caroline Myss, Dolores Cannon, David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Aubrey Marcus, Sacha Stone, Elizabeth Wilcock, Tony Robins, Dorian Yates, Brian Rose, Wim Hof, Kevin Davies, Gerald O`Donnell, James Gililland and more.

Discovery of passion

I am so grateful to have found my passion and it gives me such joy and great sense of fulfillment when I help another human being to find theirs. I feel so blessed that I am able to be in the front lines of warriors bringing forth the global change. We live in times that will be carved deep into history as we are changing the thousands year old unserving paradigms. There are seen and unseen battles going on between the forces of good and evil and the stakes have never been higher. They are waged in each and every one of us to a certain degree and it is the struggle between the old unfulfilling quiet life of desperation and the new life that is full of meaning, joy, love, compassion, cooperation and many challenges that are the catalyst for our true growth. It makes me so happy to see and help more and more people to start realizing their true power and potential. The world is starving and in great need for whole human beings that have conquered their fears, warriors that never give up, heroes of every kind, individuals who have won many of their internal battles. I know the true power of our co-creative consciousness and I believe that the greatest gift anyone can give to the world is to heal themselves. The journey to health can be tough and full of obstacles and I will do my best to help you in the most meaningful way. True health is about harmony and balance of the mind, body, spirit and emotions, those are the foundations upon which anything can be built and opens the gateway of limitless possibilities. It is my great honor to help you realize and fulfill your true potential as a powerful human being.   

My skills and qualifications

Regenerative Detoxification Specialist

Raw Food Nutritionist

Competence with Non-linear Systems


Life Coach

Dream with me

The world that is coming in the near future is a world of freedom, people will make their choices and peruse heir happiness without any external restrictions. The only limits will be the ones they impose on themselves. I see a world of peace and plenty, mother Earth is rich and fertile fully able to feed, clothe and accommodate every single soul on her. I see everyone living in harmony and cooperation, oneness and compassion. I see people realizing that Heaven is not some promised land by God if we behave, but it is right here and now. I see humanity as a space faring race being able to travel far far away in a distant solar systems and meet with our galactic brothers and sisters. I try to play my part in creating this bright future and become the best version of myself as I can. I want to help make this world a better place for everyone and I know many people trying to do the same. As strange as it may seem to you I see that humanity is going in the right direction and that makes me fly. We live in the moment in time that will be carved deep and remembered as the single most meaningful, when humans got off their knees realizing their true power an claimed their freedom. I want to encourage you to be curious like a child and brave like a warrior and be an example. Live life fully, take chances, make mistakes and learn from them as that life is about. Go on hero, have faith, discover your passion and don`t go silent into the night, go on hero go on .... 
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