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A passion for creation of Pyramids

Hello friends, I would like to share with you my new inspiration. November was a creative and masterful month for me, I created a lot of nice things with my hands. This path has led me to create pyramids of wood in the golden ratio (section) or Fibonacci. As I was creating my first pyramid, I was also reserching, learning and examining its applications. I have found a lot of interesting information based on scientific experiments. These pyramids, made in this proportion, are not just beautiful decorations for the home, but are also powerful devices for harmonizing the body, spirit, air, water and environment in a very large radius in relation to the size of the pyramid. Below are shared some of my findings, please read through.

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Years of research and more than 1000 experiments inside golden section pyramids have shown limitless possibilities of using these pyramids for environmental protection, development of new technologies and human health improvement. Only a few of the vast variety of unique tests and experiments conducted are outlined below.

This research was carried out by the Russian National Academy of Sciences which includes:  the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences,  Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics,  Graphite Scientific Research Institute, and the Institute of Physics in Ukraine.



- Immune system of organisms increased upon exposure in the pyramid (Leukocyte composition of the blood increased). Also increased regeneration of tissues)


 - Russian Military radar (locator) spotted an energy column rising several miles high in the sky above the 22m Lake Seliger pyramid.  Several months after this pyramid was built, the Ozone layer improved in the atmosphere in Russia.

Areas near the pyramids seem to have diminished seIsmic activity.  Instead of one large powerful earthquake occurring, there are hundreds of tiny ones.  Also violent weather seems to decrease in the area of the pyramids.

-Pyramid complex was built in an oil field in Southern Russia (Bashkiria).  The oil became lighter (less viscous) by 30% and the yield of the oil wells increased.  These results were confirmed by (Gubkin) Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas.

-Newborns were given solutions that had been placed in the pyramid and their health indexes increased greatly.

-Experiments with about 5000 people in jails in Russia showed that in a few months most crimes almost disappeared and behavior was much improved. This was attributed to the salt and pepper added to their food which had been placed beforehand in the Pyramid.

-The potency of pharmaceuticals increased with decreasing side effects.

- There is an increase in survival of cellular tissue infected by viruses and bacteria  – The pyramids decrease the strength of various viruses and bacteria.

-When radioactive waste is placed inside the pyramids, there is a decrease in their level of radioactivity

-Spontaneous charging of capacitors  (leyden jaw on top and energy source?)

-Changes in superconductivity temperature thresholds and properties of semiconductors and carbon materials.


 -Synthesized diamonds turn out harder and purer.

It is interesting that the results seem to show that increasing the height of the pyramid increases the quality of the results. 

 A radar shows a huge ionic column reaching a few kilometres into the sky above The 44-meter Golden Section Pyramid
With the help of a series of radars working in the centimetre range and placed at 60 km, 32 km and 30 km from the Pyramid, scientists conducted radiolocation of the area of vertical axis of the Pyramid. During this research, the existence of an ionic column with a height of 2000 meters and width of 500 meters along the vertical axis of the pyramid was established. This allegedly ionic column was constantly changing its height from 800 meters to 2000 meters. The reflecting ability of this formation is comparable to reflecting ability of a plane. Moreover, a circle with a diameter of 300 km, with a higher degree of ionization and a center within the zone of the Pyramid was discovered with a significant degree of authenticity. It is possible to hypothesize about existence of a vortical radiation in the zone of the Pyramid with a diameter of hundreds of kilometres. Registered ionization is the effect of this radiation. Discovered ionic column above the Pyramid outlines the neck of the funnel of this vortex.

Even at –40° C regular water does not freeze inside the Pyramid
Several plastic bottles with regular water were placed inside the Pyramid and their state was observed within a period of 3 winter months. The water was not freezing and had all the properties of a liquid during this whole period. The lowest air temperature inside the Pyramid was –40°C. Measuring water temperature inside the bottles showed that it was the same as the temperature of the air (i.e. the water was not freezing even when its temperature was –40°C). However, it was noted during this research, that if a bottle of this water was shaken or hit, a crystallization process was beginning inside and the water was turning into ice within 3-20 seconds (depending on the degree of water super cooling).

Pyramid has powerful protective characteristics against lightning bolt hits
Electro technical institute The institute conducted research on effects of the Pyramid field on electrical field in a long air space AXIS-PLANE under impulse voltage of positive polarity 250/2500 mcs. As a base system the researchers used air space AXIS-PLANE with distance between electrodes of S=5.0 m. As a test system they used the same thing, but the PLANE had 7 pieces of granite 100 grams each, which were previously placed inside the pyramid. Granite pieces were placed on the PLANE in a circle with a diameter of 1 meter and with a center placed 0.5 meters away from the center of the PLANE. Each system was subjected to 100 impulses. Researchers were registering trajectory of discharges and points of hits of the plane. Based on the results fields of hit points were generated. Discharge voltage during the research was approximately 1400 kV. Test results showed that the number of hit points in the base system was 5 times higher than that in the test system. Therefore, a contour of granite stones exposed to the pyramid energy has powerful protective characteristics against lightning bolt hits within the area of the contour.

Golden Section Pyramid harmonizes space within its radius of influence
New streams appeared in the area of the 22-meter pyramid on the Seliger Lake, a stork set up a nest, and nearby fields became covered with previously extinct kinds of flowers.

Many substances and materials change their physical and chemical properties
“Graphite” institute was determining the influence of the Pyramid field on the electrical resistance of carbon-based materials. Research object – pyrolitic carbon. Measurements were conducted by the 4-probe method with direct current. Sizes of carbon plates were ~ 25x10x1 mm, distance between potential contacts ~ 3 mm. Density of the measuring current was ~ 1500 mA/cm2. Before the plates were placed inside the pyramids, electrical resistance was ~ 5-7 mcOhm/m2. After 1 day inside the pyramid, electrical resistance had doubled. Such measurements are anomalous for pyrolitic carbon. Even the neutron radiation does not yield a resistance change of more than 5%.

Qualitative structure of oil changes
A complex of pyramids was installed on an oil field. Within the next few days the viscosity of oil decreased by 30%, which correspondingly led to the increased oil production. Gradually, the structure of oil began to change, i.e. amounts of tars, paraffin, etc in oil decreased. Fractional structure of oil has shifted towards the light fractions (Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas).

Burning of any substance inside the Pyramid Of The Golden Section produces pleasant aromas

Increase in crop productivity
Before planting the crops, their seeds were placed inside the Pyramid for 1-5 days. Tens of thousands of hectares were seeded with more than 20 crops. In each case crop productivity was from 20% to 100%, the crops were not sick, were not bothered by droughts. Quantity of toxic substances in plants decreased. Similar results were obtained when closed contours of stones, previously exposed to the Pyramid energy, were placed around the crop fields. 500 small stones with total weight of 20 kg were placed around a 10 ha field.

Medical research and experiments
Research, experiments and tests in medical laboratories and science centers have confirmed that Golden Section Pyramids: - neutralize geopathic zones (see next section) - have powerful anti stress effects - slow aging processes by enhancing immune system - increase vitality of cellular tissue, slow development of negative processes in living organisms - reduce negative influence of the environment on humans and nature.

What are geopathic zones?
Since the ancient times every nation had their own perception of “dead” places, where trees and grass do not grow, where people and animals get sick, where buildings fall apart. For many centuries people were thoroughly careful when choosing places for their dwellings. The Chinese system of feng-shui has been around since the times unmemorable. In accordance with this system, no one would start building anything, until a dowser makes sure that this place is not under the influence of some “underground demons”. Ancient Roman architect and builder Vitruvius paid special attention to the correct selection of a place for building in his works. Similar principles are also mentioned in the works of Hippocrat and Avicenna. In Russia in the 18th and 19th century, the selection of a place for a house was entrusted to a dowser, and the decision about construction was made by the czar’s decree. Over time these important principles were forgotten, and houses were built in convenient places, which since the old times were considered unsuitable for a habitat.

How a geopathic zone affects human organism?
One of the first researchers interested in connection between geopathic zones and origins of some serious illnesses was Gustav von Pohl. In 1929, while observing 10,000 patients, he came to a conclusion that the one common thing for 58 people who died from cancer, was that each of them had a sleeping place (bedrooms) exactly within a geopathic zone. The scientist thoroughly described his results in his book “Earth rays as pathogens”. In 1950, Manfred Curry, MD also came to the conclusion about an important role of a special earth grid (later named the Curry grid in his honor) in development of cancer. A fundamental book by Dr. Ernst Hartmann called “Illnesses as a problem of location”, which was published in Germany in 1960, summarized many years of author’s research of geopathic zones influence on human health. In this book, Hartmann was the first to introduce principles of projecting and constructing buildings with consideration of geopathic zones. For 14 years Austrian scientist K. Bahler was observing 11,000 people, including 6,500 adults, 3000 teenagers and 1,500 infants. Obtained results showed, that cancer, neuropsychological and various chronic illnesses of kids and adults were caused by their bedrooms located within geopathic zones. Since the early 1980s scientists from Austria, Germany, USA, Switzerland, England, Canada, and France have been studying the problem of geopathic zones.

Many years of large-scale observations and research showed that:

  • Depending on the longevity, the nature, and the location of a human being within a geopathic zone, various illnesses set in, affecting body organs and disrupting their functions.
  • The most common illnesses are of oncological, cardio-vascular, neuropsychological nature as well as disruptions of the motor functions of the body. If the entire human body is within a geopathic zone, it affects the entire system, including joints, circulation of blood to the brain, causes sclerosis, sores, which do not heal, etc.
  • There exists a certain period of time, after which human organism becomes misbalanced, leading to further development of pathological condition and, eventually, death
  • All people within a geopathic zone have one thing in common, and that is their complete insensitivity to any kind of treatment. It is practically impossible to heal a person living within a geopathic zone.

How to detect a geopathic zone?
It is possible to approximately locate a geopathic zone by watching animal behavior. For example, dogs avoid such places, but cats on the other hand prefer to rest in them. Horses, cows and pigs also avoid geopathic zones. Among the trees, apple tree, lime-tree, beech, and lilac usually grow better outside of the geopathic zones, but plum-tree, cherry-tree, oak, ash-tree, spruce, peach-tree, mistletoe tend to be closer to geopathic zones, because of underground water. In nature, trees with swellings, anthills, as well as trees hit by lightning bolts are the signs of a geopathic zone presence. Flowers, such as azalea, cacti, grow better in safe places, while asparagus, geranium in geopathic zones. Reactions of a human organism to a geopathic zone can vary. Some people do not feel anything, while others may start getting headaches, heartaches right away.

Austrian researcher of the problem K. Bahler offers a number of reliable sign indicating that a human is living in a geopathic zone:

  • Difficulty falling asleep & bad sleep
  • Anxiousness & quickened heartbeat
  • Nervousness & depression
  • Headaches
  • Leg cramps & numbness of legs and arms
  • Repeated serious illnesses in the same location (“cancer houses”)
  • Complete and speedy recovery following the change of sleep area

Attention parents!
Child’s organism is quite sensitive to geopathic zones. A child tends to intuitively leave a bad place (geopathic zone). Anxiousness, screams, grinding of teeth, loss of appetite, fear of being alone, desire to get away from bed are the likely signs of geopathic zone effects on child’s organism.

Despite the fact that geopathic zones have been studied for a long time, until recently the only true method for their detection had been biolocation (dowsing) – method of location of geopathic zones (or underground water) with the help of a rod, a pendulum or a frame. Dowsing clearly determines the main reasons for the formation of geopathic zones – underground waterways, geological anomalies, Curry grids and Hartmann grids. However, dowsing method is subjective, because it is based on sensitivity of an operator (dowser). Until now there have been virtually no devices capable of locating geopathic zones. Detection of geopathic zones by measuring geophysical parameters of an area is almost never used, because the measuring equipment is not suited for work in residential areas or industrial facilities.

The first portable electronic device for detection of geopathic zones – Indicator of Geopathic Anomalies (IGA), was developed in 1992. It is a supersensitive receiver of electromagnetic vibrations emitted by a geopathic zone. The IGA device was tested in various conditions for 10 years in many countries. Using the device it is possible to determine location, type and radiation intensity of a geopathic zone. A sensitive operator (dowser) is not required in order to operate IGA. Measurements can be conducted in open areas as well as in any buildings: houses, apartments, offices, etc.

How to protect from geopathic zone effects?
The easiest way is to move your sleeping or working place to a safer place, free from Earth’s radiation. This practice has been known for some time. About 11,000 people in 14 countries around the world got rid of chronic illnesses simply by moving their sleeping places. Underlining the importance of this simple and effective method of protection from geopathic zones, Austrian surgeons-oncologists Noth Nagel and Hohenegg, doctor Zaurbruch from Germany urge their post-operation patients to change their places of sleep and not to return to the same place in order to prevent further destructive influence of the radiation.

Research and analysis of various existing devices and gadgets for protection against geopathic zones undoubtedly show that complete and reliable protection of a house as well as health of its inhabitants from harmful effects of geopathic zones is provided by golden section pyramids.

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