The Journey of health can be tough and full of obsticales so I give you my word that I will help you in the most meaningful way.
Important announcement: from 24th of September only Detoxify and regenerate, Herbal Protocol and Q&A will be available. I will be making a tour in Bulgaria for unknown period so in person sessions will not be an option for a while.

Scan and Treat

Bioresonance session

I can do a home visit or the client can come to me 
  • full body scan
  • treatment of estimated areas
  • top 30 bug zap (detection and treatment of the most common viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites)
  • acupuncture points stimulation (feet, hands, ears and irises)
note: one session can be up to 3 hours so the bug zap and/or acupuncture might not be included. It will depend on the client`s condition. Please download, sign and sent to me the agreement form as you book the session.

Detoxify and regenerate

Online Private Consultation
  • overall health estimation based on health questionnaire and optional iris analysis 
  •  consultation (around 2  hours)
  • herbal protocol design
note: You are politely asked to download, fill/sign the questionnaire  and the agreement form and sent them back to me as you book the consultation. 

If you want iris analysis you have to watch this video make and sent the pictures for L and R irises along with the filled questionnaire and agreement form.


A powerful combo between the art of detox and top tech Bioresonance system.

I can do a home visit or the client can come to me.

note: You are politely asked to download, fill/sign the questionnaire and agreement form 1 and 2 and sent them back to me when you book the consultation.
Iris analysis is not needed.

Up to an hour Q&A
Herbal protocol design up to 12 weeks

note: You are politely asked to download, fill/sign the questionnaire and the agreement form and sent them back to me as you book the consultation. 

The Experiment

The bioresonance instrument has a hypothetical potential of remote scanning which is not proven rather explained by the quantum entanglement principle. Remote scanning means that the instrument is using a DNA sample (hair, nails, saliva) from the person, rather than the person him/herself to do a health assessment and treatment. The idea behind the quantum entanglement with simple words is if you physically split a part of a whole the connection between the parts still remains regardless of the distance between them. "For example, it is possible to prepare two particles in a single quantum state such that when one is observed to be spin-up, the other one will always be observed to be spin-down and vice versa, this despite the fact that it is impossible to predict, according to quantum mechanics, which set of measurements will be observed.

As a result, measurements performed on one system seem to be instantaneously influencing other systems entangled with it."

(Reference for quantum entanglement)   
So far I have 2 clients on whom I have applied the remote scanning with a positive feedback. This fact intrigues me to make this experiment and compile a larger body of information through working with as much volunteers as I can. If you are willing to take part in this undertaking you will need to send me some DNA from yourself and fill this
form if you got any questions please contact me via email. I am not charging for it and I will much appreciate it if you are willing to make a donation.

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